Click the join link to join the meeting.Locate the meeting invite link from your email or calendar invitation.

Note: The meeting host must enable Show a "Join from your browser" link for their participants. Note: If you want to choose if your video is on or off when joining a meeting, the video preview dialog box feature can also be enabled as well. If you prefer to not have your camera when joining a meeting, this can be disabled within the video settings of the Zoom client. Participants can set the default video state when joining a meeting from within the settings of their Zoom client. When joining a Zoom meeting, disabling your video is one of the best ways to ensure your privacy when joining a meeting. Hosts can also remove a participant from a meeting, if they require users to have their video on, or do not recognize the participant’s chosen name in the meeting. Note: A host can require authentication when participants join a meeting or require registration to join a meeting. This can be for personal privacy when joining public events, or when joining meetings for things like alcoholics (addiction) anonymous mental health group-based scenarios. When joining a Zoom meeting, participants may want to join anonymously, restricting the amount of information available to other participants.